B. Com: 1st Sem
1. Business_Economics 2. English 3. Financial Accounting 4. Micro Economics 5. Office Management and Secretarial Practices-1 6. Office Management and Secretarial Practices-2
B. Com: 2nd Sem
B. Com: 3rd Sem
- Business law (2017-18)
- Business statistics (2017-18)
- Corporate Acc. Batch 2011-2012 (2017-18)
- Corporate accounting (2017-18)
B. Com: 4th Sem
B. Com: 5th Sem
- Cost Acc. Batch 2011-12 (2017-18))- Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.
- Entrepreneurship Development (2017-18)
- Fin. institution and markets (2017-18)
- Income Tax (2017-18)
- Management accounting (2017-18)
- Office mgt. and secretarial practice Batch 2011 onwards (2017-18)
- Service Mkt (2017-18)
- Mgt. and Fin. Acc. Batch 2011-2012 (2017-18)
B.Sc: 1st Sem
- Algebra (2017-18)
- Chemistry (2017-18)
- Classical mechanics � theory of relativity (2017-18)
- Diversity of microbes (2017-18)
- English (2017-18)
- Physical Chemistry (2017-18) (1)
- Physical Chemistry (2017-18)
- Zoology (2017-18)
- Computer fun. � prog. in C (2017-18)
- Solid Geometry (2017-18)
B.Sc: 2nd Sem
B.Sc: 3rd Sem
- (3rd Sem) Comp. prog. and thermodynamics (2017-18)
- (3rd Sem) Inorganic Chemistry (2017-18)
- (3rd Sem) Molecular Biology (2017-18)
- (3rd Sem) Plant anatomy (2017-18)
- (3rd Sem) Structured sys. analysis and design (2017-18)
- (3rd Sem) Wave � optics (2017-18)
- (3rd Sem)Physical chem (2017-18)
B.Sc: 4th Sem
B.Sc: 5th Sem
- (5th sem) intro. to database mgt (2017-18)
- (5th Sem) Organic Chemistry (2017-18)
- (5th sem) Physical Chem (2017-18)
- (5th sem) Plant physiology (2017-18)
- (5th sem) Quantum � laser phy (2017-18)
- (5th sem) prog. in C (2017-18) Error
B. A 1st Sem
- (1st sem) English-2 (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Hindi (2017-18)
- (1st sem) History of india from earliesttimes to guptas (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Indian consti. (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Microeconomics (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Music (Vocal) (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Music(Instrumental) (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Public Admin (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Punjabi (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Sanskrit (2017-18)
- (Ist Sem) Computer fun. � prog. in C (2017-18)
- 1st SemAlgebra2017-18
- 1st semEnglish-1-2017-18
- 1st SemSolid Geometry2017-18
- ba-bsc-1-sem-mathematics-algebra-5159-2018
B. A: 2nd Sem
B. A: 3rd Sem
- (3rd sem) Indian political thinkers (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Microeconomics (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Phy. geography (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Physiology (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Social psychology (2017-18)
- (3rd Sem) Structured sys. analysis and design (2017-18)
- (3rd sem)Func. english (2017-18)
- (3rd semHistoryofindia2017-18
- 3rd semEnglish2017-18
- 3rd semHindi2017-18
B. A: 4th Sem
B. A: 5th Sem
- (5th sem) Economic Geography (2017-18)
- (5th sem) English (2017-18)
- (5th sem) English Batch 2014 � onwards (2017-18)
- (5th sem) Health and phy. education (2017-18)
- (5th sem) Hindi (2017-18)
- (5th sem) intro. to database mgt (2017-18)
- (5th sem) Music Instrumental (2017-18)
- (5th sem) psychopathology (2017-18)
- (5th sem) Sanskrit (2017-18)
- 5th sem) prog. in C (2017-18).pdf
BAJMC: 1st
BAJMC: 3rd
BAJMC: 5th
M.com: 1st
- (1st sem) Business Environment (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Business Statistics (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Economic Analysis (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Mgt. process � organizational behavior (2017-18)
- (1st sem)Business environment(Batch 2017 � onwards)
- (2017-18)(1st sem)Financial acc. � reporting (2017-18)
M.com: 3rd
MA English: 1st
- (1st sem) Early English drama (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Eco. of Growth � development (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Economics (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Eng. Literature from 1660 to 1798 (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Linguistics (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Modern Indian political thought (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Pol. sci (2017-18)
- (1st Sem) Public admin (2017-18)
- (1st sem) Research methodology (2017-18)
- (1st sem)18th-century British literature (2017-18)
- (1st sem)Hindi (2017-18)
- (1st sem)Linguistics(Batch 2017 � Onwards) (2017-18)
MA English: 3rd
- (3rd Sem) Hindi (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Hindi Ppr-9 (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) India’s foreign policy � relation (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Inter. Law (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Lokyan ate Punjabi Lokyan (2017-18)
- (3rd sem) Punjabi Vartak (2017-18)
- (3rd sem)Hindi Ppr 8 (2017-18)
MA English:4th
MA English: Others
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