Learning Resources


“They are the books, the arts, the academics, that show, contain and nourish the entire world.”

Library is a place where an individual creates his own world without interference. It facilitates him to the limit of his capabilities to strengthen the borders of his knowledge. JCD Memorial college library is a big repository of knowledge in terms of not only books but also the latest facilities including journals, audio- visual materials, CDs, Projects, Case Studies, Assignments etc., with an ambience ideal for learning. It is a well Ventilated, spacious, library with partitioned space to provide seating for comfortable study to more than 100 students at a time.

Our library offers:

  • A collection of more than 5000 volumes of assorted and exhaustive text/ reference books on different areas.
  • Library subscribes 02 Journals, 5 magazines & 09 Newspapers.
  • Resourses including Syllabus, Question Bank, Reference sources etc of all courses.
  • Book Bank facility for students.
  • Circulation of books, Journals and other reference material.
  • Complete and full time availability for students as timing of the library is from 9.00am to 5.00 pm

Computer Lab JCDDepartment of Computers is one of the wealthiest departments of the college and career in Computer Science is one of the highest paying jobs and is full of opportunities. A candidate with high percentage of marks, good communication skills and sound knowledge of computers do not get problem in finding jobs in respective fields. For this purpose and to help students to enter in the vast pool of knowledge, Computer Lab has been established in the college in which pool of talented teachers motivate students to excel in the fields of computer science and applications. Our Computer Lab is well furnished with Wi-Fi features that are helpful to a number of students simultaneously.

There are various labs in our computer center.

 Programming Lab:-

Following practicals are being carried out there.

  1. Write a program to find the largest of three numbers. (if-then-else)
  2. Write a program to find the largest number out of ten numbers (for-statement)
  3. Write a program to find the average mail height & average female heights in the class (input is in form of sex code, height).
  4. Write a program to find roots of quadratic equation using functions and switch statements.
  5. Write a program using arrays to find the largest and second largest no. out of given 50 nos.
  6. Write a program to multiply two matrices.
  7. Write a program to read a string and write it in reverse order .
  8. Write a program to concatenate two strings
  9. Write a program to sort numbers using the Quick sort Algorithm.
  10. Represent a deck of playing cards using arrays.
  11. Write a program to check that the input string is a palindrome or not.

PC Lab:-

PC Software:- Application of basics of MS Word 2000, MS Excel 2000, MS Power Point 2000, MS Access 2000.

  1. To prepare the Your Bio Data using MS Word .
  2. To prepare the list of marks obtained by students in different subjects and show with the help of chart/graph the average, min and max marks in each subject.
  3. Prepare a presentation explaining the facilities/infrastructure available in your college/institute.
  4. Create a database of books in the library on a mini scale w.r.t. Computers and manipulate the database using different forms and reports.

 PC Hardware:

  1. To check and measure various supply voltages of PC.
  2. To make comparative study of motherboards.
  3. To observe and study various cables, connections and parts used in computer communication.
  4. To study various cards used in a system viz. display card, LAN card etc.
  5. To remove, study and replace floppy disk drive.
  6. To remove, study and replace hard disk.
  7. To remove, study and replace CD ROM drive.
  8. To study monitor, its circuitry and various presents and some elementary fault detection.
  9. To study printer assembly and elementary fault detection of DMP and laser printers.
  10. To observe various cables and connectors used in networking.
  11. To study parts of keyboard and mouse.
  12. To assemble a PC.
  13. Troubleshooting exercises related to various components of computer like monitor, drives, memory and printers etc.

Data Structures & Algorithms Lab:-

  1. Write a program to search an element in a two-dimensional array using linear search.
  2. Using iteration & recursion concepts write programs for finding the element in the array using Binary Search Method
  3. Write a program to perform following operations on tables using functions only a) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d) Transpose
  4. Using iteration & recursion concepts write the programs for Quick Sort Technique
  5. Write a program to implement the various operations on string such as length of string concatenation, reverse of a string & copy of a string to another.
  6. Write a program for swapping of two numbers using ‘call by value’ and ‘call by reference strategies.
  7. Write a program to implement binary search tree. (Insertion and Deletion in Binary search Tree)
  8. Write a program to create a linked list & perform operations such as insert, delete, update, reverse in the link list
  9. Write the program for implementation of a file and performing operations such as insert, delete, update a record in the file.
  10. Create a linked list and perform the following operations on it a) add a node b) Delete a node
  11. Write a program to simulate the various searching & sorting algorithms and compare their timings for a list of 1000 elements.
  12. Write a program to simulate the various graph traversing algorithms.
  13. Write a program which simulates the various tree traversal algorithms.

In physics class, lab is central, integral and sacred. More than a mere place in the back of the classroom, the laboratory is the place where physics students do physics. It is in the laboratory that they learn to practice the activities of scientists – asking questions, performing procedures, collecting data, analyzing data, answering questions, and thinking of new questions to explore. There are over 150 lab ideas presented – but their presentation is much different than the traditional presentation of a lab. The traditional lab comes with a lengthy procedure which dominates the landscape – both the landscape of the distributed paper as well as the landscape of the student mind. The Laboratory attempts to change all this by presenting students with a purpose, and primarily a purpose.

List of Items:-

Sr. No Item Quantity
 1 Flywheel 1
 2 Maxwell Needle 4
 3 Bar Pendulum 1
 4 Complete set of Forward & Reverse bias characteristics 2
 5 Complete set of Zener Diode Voltage Regulation characteristics 2
 6 Complete set of Impendance of an AC circuit 2
 7 Elastic constant by searle’s method with stand 1
 8 Jeager’s Method 2
 9 Greinger’s electroads 1 Pair
 10 Step down transformer(DC Supply) 4
 11 Young’s modulus by bending of beam. Experimental Beam of rectangular cross section two knife edges fixed parallel to each other at a suitable distance on a rigid support hanger 2
 12 Slotted weights ( used in flywheel) 2
 13 Stop Watch 4
 14 Meter road 2
 15 Screw gauge 3
 16 Travelling Microscope 4
 17 Spirit Level 4
18. Four probe method (complete set) 2
19. Oven 2
20. Common Emitter Amplifier 3
21. Common base Amplifier 3
22. Cathode ray Ocillator(CRO) (20 MHZ, 30 MHZ) 2
23. Thomson method (complete set) 2
24. B-H curve 2
25. Electromagnets 2
26. Fortins Barometer 1
27. Galvanometer 2
28. Biprism 1
29. Double and triplet 3
30. Differaction Grating 3
31. He- Ne laser 2
32. Newton ring pair 3
33. Parallel and series resonance ckt 3
34. Ripple factor 3
35. Spectrometer 2
36. Sodium Lamp 2
37. Resistance box 5
38. Rehostat 2
39. Torision’s Pendulum 4
40. Vernier Colliper 5
41. Mercury vapour lamp 2
42. Nodal slide assembly 2
43. Prism 3
44. Sextant apparture with stand 2
45. Optical bench 3

Chemistry is a discipline based on observation. It is a place where experiments with research purposes are carried out and students learn how to make up chemical solutions, perform lab techniques, play it safe in the lab & perform Chemistry lab experiments. Chemistry lab ensures technical & scientific support to the students for the preparation required in the experiments & furthermore to provide the infrastructure needed for in-house research projects in the field of Chemistry & material science.

List of Items:-

Sr. No. Item
1. Abbe’s Refractometer
2. Centrifuge Machine
3. Balance
4. Conductometer
5. Copper water bath
6. Cork borer
7. Fire Extinguisher
8. Four fisher clamp with boss head
9. Heating Mantles(250 ml)
10. Heating Mantles(500 ml)
11. Heating Mantles(1000 ml)
12. Hot Air Oven
13. Hot Plates
14. Iron stand
15. Magnetic Stirrer
16. Melting Point Apparatus
17. Periodic Tables chart
18. pH meter
19. Pinch Clip
20. Pipette stand horizontal
21. Polarimeter
22. Potentiometer
23. Screw pinch
24. Spatula
25. Spirit Lamp
26. Stop Watch
27. Suction Pump Electrical
28. Test tube holder
29. Test tube stand
30. Tripod stand
31. Tong
32. Water Bath Electrical
33. UV chamber
34. Wire gauge

Botany is the study of plants, and we need plants to survive. Plants provide an essential foundation for life on earth, the food we eat and the beauty of the natural environment and as a result botany is considered to be an extremely important science! Botany is no longer confined to the study of how and why plants survive in the way they do. With the advancement of technology the study of botany means the study of how plants are used in biotechnology, the significant part that they play in ecosystems and of course how they can continue to provide food, medicines and even fuel to an ever-expanding global population.

Botany courses often come under the heading of plant science but they are both the study of plants and cover similar areas. These courses are now quite widely available across the country.The list of modules below will give you an idea of the kind of subjects that you may study:

  •  Life science
  • Crop protection
  • Plant biotic interactions
  • Plant protection technology
  • Ethno botany
  • Environmental plant physiology
  • Biodiversity and evolution
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Plant-soil relationships
  • Licheus and Bryophytes
  • Seeds and germination
  • Ecology
  • Weed biology and control
  • Flowering plants of the world
  • Plant breeding
  • Micro propagation
  • Genetic manipulation
  • Plant survival
  • Photo biochemistry
  • Habitats and ecosystems
  • Vegetative and floral development
  • Landscape studies and conservation
  • Photosynthesis
  • Biostatistics


1. Nostoc (Algae) 01
2. Volvox (Algae) 01
3. Oedogonium (Algae) 01
4. Voucheria (Algae) 01
5. Ectocarpus (Algae) 01
6. Sargassum (Algae) 01
7. Polysiphonia (Algae) 01
8. Phytophthora (Fungi) 01
9. Mucor (Fungi) 01
10. Puccinia (Fungi) 01
11. Agaricus (Fungi) 01
12. Colletotrichum (Fungi) 01
13. Cercospora (Fungi) 01
14. Crustose Lichen 01
15. Foliose Lichen 01
16. Fructose Lichen 01
17. Marchentia (Bryophyte) 01
18. Anthoceros (Bryophyte) 01
19. Funaria 01
20. Selaginella (Stem) 01
21. Selaginella (Leaf) 01
22. Equisetum stem 01
23. Pteris stem 01
24. Pteris leaf 01
25. Chara 01
26. Pencillium 01
27. Cycas (T.S. of young stem) 01
28. Cycas (T.S. of young root) 01
29. Cycas (T.S. of coralloid root) 01
30. Cycas (T.S. of leaflet) 01
31. Cycas (T.S. of microsporophyll) 01
32. Cycas (T.S. of mature ovule) 01
33. Pinus (T.S. of young stem) 01
34. Pinus (T.S. of needle) 01
35. Ephedra (V.S. of male cone) 01
36. Ephedra (V.S. of female cone) 01
37. Cycas (male cone) 01
38. Cycas (female cone) 01
39. Pinus (male cone) 01
40. Pinus (female cone) 01
41. Slide box (25 slides) 02

As an integral part of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Medical stream curriculum, Zoology Lab plays a significant role in it. This Lab quenches the curiosities of science students by providing them the firsthand knowledge about animals. The lab consists of a large number of specimens belonging to various phyla of Kingdom Animalia along with physiology, ecology genetics and cell biology experiments. The lab is well equipped and enriched with various posters and charts on different biological topics which are a good source of passive learning. Students use this lab for performing practical work mentioned in their syllabi. This lab not only provides syllabus related practical, but also nurtures research attitude among the students. Students also learn to handle various scientific instruments placed in the lab. The lab is also equipped with latest multimedia equipments to make teaching more effective through showing PPT’s, animations, real videos, etc


1. Specimens of Phylum Porifera 05
2. Specimens of Phylum Coelenterata 14
3. Specimens of Phylum Platyhelminthes 05
4. Specimens of Phylum Aschelminthes 05
5. Specimens of Phylum Annelida 08
6. Specimens of Phylum Arthoropoda 29
7. Specimens of Phylum Mollusca 17
8. Specimens of Phylum Echinodermata 06
9. Specimens of Phylum Hemichordata 01
10. Specimens of Protochordates 04
11. Specimens of Cyclostomes 03
12. Specimens of Superclass Pisces(including culture fishes) 26
13. Specimens of Class Amphibia 03
14. Specimens of Reptilia 01
15. Models Of Vertebrates 20
16. Permanent Slides(including W.M., T.S., L.S., etc)
17. Charts 05
18. Student Microscope 07
19. Dissecting Microscope 12
20. Insect Box Showcase 02
21. Microtome 01
22. Hotplate 01
23. Insect Pest 08
24. Skeletons of Various Animals(in showcase) 05
25. Haemometer 16

Biotechnology is the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing of materials by biological agents to provide goods and services. From its inception, biotechnology has maintained a close relationship with society. Main research objective is to provide leadership in basic and applied research in order to generate science evidence knowledge and innovations that respond to contemporary and emerging needs. Thus, emphasizing that research becomes linked to development and societal issues. The curriculum provides both in-depth study of scientific concepts and procedures and management skills related to inventory, budget and personnel. It is designed to prepare students to meet the future needs of the scientific community.

The laboratory is very well equipped by the instruments used in the biotechnology research programme. JCDM biotechnology course includes facilities like e-teaching, research laboratories for research and training. Besides this the e-teaching learning programme provides a state-of-the-art networking environment to support teaching, learning, research and administration.

Programme learning outcome & future perspective:

Graduates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of

  • New concepts in molecular biology and biotechnology;
  • Research methods in molecular biology and biotechnology;
  • To develop the technical and scientific knowledge gained through the class learning programme and direct experiences in the field.

In future we will try to bring extensive academic exchanges with other universities and enterprises and will also try to offer joint postgraduate programs and conducting research cooperation.

List of items:-

S.No Item Name
1 Dissecting microscope
2 Insect Show Case
3 Light Microscope
4 Hot water Bath
5 Autoclave
6 Hot Air Oven
7 Centrifuge
8 Calorimeter
9 Haemocytometer
10 Micropipettes
11 pH Meter
12 Digital Thermometer


The list of modules below will give you an idea of the kind of subjects that you may study:-

S.No  Module
1. Biochemical analysis
2. Animal Tissue Culture
3. Plant tissue culture
4. Biochemistry I and II
5. Immunology
6. Molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology
7. Microbial technology
8. Bioinformatics
9. Microbiology
10. Basic of Biotechnology
Admissions 2024-25